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Date : 2015-06-29
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Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers ~ Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers shows you how to build smarter NET applications that learn from data using simple algorithms and techniques that can be applied to a wide range of realworld problems
Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers Mathias ~ Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers shows you how to build smarter NET applications that learn from data using simple algorithms and techniques that can be applied to a wide range of realworld problems You’ll code each project in the familiar setting of Visual Studio while the machine learning logic uses F a language ideally suited to machine learning applications in NET
Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers 1st ed ~ Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers shows you how to build smarter NET applications that learn from data using simple algorithms and techniques that can be applied to a wide range of realworld problems You’ll code each project in the familiar setting of Visual Studio while the machine learning logic uses F a language ideally suited to machine learning applications in NET
Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers ~ Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers Mathias Brandewinder Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers Linear Algebra with Normal Form Pedal to the Metal with MKL Evolving and Validating Models Rapidly CrossValidation and OverFitting Again
Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers Book ~ Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers shows you how to build smarter NET applications that learn from data using simple algorithms and techniques that can be applied to a wide range of realworld problems You’ll code each project in the familiar setting of Visual Studio while the machine learning logic uses F a language ideally suited to machine learning applications in NET
Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers Mathias ~ Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers shows you how to build smarter NET applications that learn from data using simple algorithms and techniques that can be applied to a wide range of realworld problems You’ll code each project in the familiar setting of Visual Studio while the machine learning logic uses F a language ideally suited to machine learning applications in NET
GitHub Apressmachinelearningprojectsfordotnet ~ Apress Source Code This repository accompanies Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers by Mathias Brandewinder Apress 2015 Download the files as a zip using the green button or clone the repository to your machine using Git
mathiasbrandewindermachinelearningprojectsfordotnet ~ Machine Learning Projects for Net Developers This repository is the companion to the book Machine Learning Projects for NET Developers It contains the source code discussed in the book
Machine Learning made for NET ~ Built for NET developers With you can create custom ML models using C or F without having to leave the NET ecosystem lets you reuse all the knowledge skills code and libraries you already have as a NET developer so that you can easily integrate machine learning into your web mobile desktop gaming and IoT apps
8 Fun Machine Learning Projects for Beginners ~ Examples of machine learning projects for beginners you could try include… Anomaly detection… Map the distribution of emails sent and received by hour and try to detect abnormal behavior leading up to the public scandal Social network analysis… Build network graph models between employees to find key influencers
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